Task4 – January

¿Sabías que las tradiciones familiares son únicas y especiales?  Nuestros alumnos de 1ºESO están inmersos en la siguiente tarea del proyecto eTwinning ‘Special occasions and events’ en la cual están creando libros digitales llenos de color y...

Task 3-December

Our students at Las Claras del Mar Menor have prepared a Canva presentation to show our Turkish partners their family trees. They have also described some of their relatives.

Task 2-November

Our students at Las Claras del Mar Menor school prepare a presentation of a traditional Spanish recipe. We’d like our Turkish partners to cook some of them and enjoy them!

Task 1-October

Our students at Las Claras del Mar Menor school have prepared some infographics about how they spend their free time with their families.